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RTC from a Civil Engineer’s Perspective By Heidi Boutwell My first RTC, and I’m all alone. At the close of RTC North America 2016, I’m thrilled with all I learned and everything I saw at this great event. But, I’m also thinking about what was missing: other civil engineers. Where were you guys? some great workarounds to issues they’ve had as well. RTC really showcases those high-end, advanced classes, as that’s what their users want. The topic for my class this year was Construct U, and, as I mentioned, I co-presented with Jason. We covered product use and capability following a This year was the first time I have ever been to project from the client’s proposal, through several RTC. I attended because RTC asked for more design and engineering processes, all the way to classes from civil engineers and I was blessed to what the contractor can use as they actually build have had one of my proposals accepted. I had the project. We covered each program that would a great time teaching the class along with my be needed, as well as the issues that usually occur colleague at 4D Technologies, Jason Boehning. between a civil and structural and/or architectural I was disappointed that I didn’t run into any other drawing and how to resolve them. We also covered civil engineers while at RTC. But I did meet many how a contractor can use a 3D model and what wonderful structural engineers, architects and contractors. Granted, some of those that I did meet they need from us to actually lay out points in the field and then track the project. did use some civil engineering in their work, and others worked in both the structural and civil fields. Yep, we did all that and we did it in only one hour. We even had time for questions, of which there But not one person was solely a civil engineer. Perhaps that’s because, at first glance, Revit is not were quite a few. Most questions were about coordinate system translation between products a civil engineering tool. But when you think about how much we interact with other disciplines, it just and the accuracy of our civil model. Did you know that most structural engineers think our makes sense for us to attend. models aren’t accurate enough, since we do not The Classes design down to the 1/8” like they do? I found that So were the classes any good? The RTC speakers interesting, but what those engineers did not know were great! At RTC, they provide only Intermediate is a contractor can’t build a civil project down to the 1/8”, only to the 0.10”. This is the general rule of and Advanced classes. Everything was taught thumb that I’ve been taught from all the engineers with the assumption that you already have a good understanding of the product, and then they and contractors I’ve been blessed to interact with. proceed to show you some of the awesome things Just learning that was enlightening to them; they had no clue. you can do with it. Oh, and they also give you 13