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The Year of the Rewrite Whew! It’s been quite a busy year for those of us in the content team. And if I had to choose just one word to sum up our Content Season, it would be “rewrite”. Our videos are enhanced with closed-captioning and rolling transcripts, thanks to the hard work of our content team. For four of our anchor products—AutoCAD, AutoCAD Civil 3D, Inventor, and Revit—the lessons were completely rethought for their 2016 releases. It has been my task to coordinate these reworks, ensuring clarity and consistency throughout. But, we did not do all of this work for the fun of it. This process allows us to produce a superior learning tool for our students. How we approach instructional design is key in creating engaging and relevant content for customers. We create professional content that is short and concise so it can be used as an A-Z learning tool, as a help and support tool, and now, most importantly, to foster personalized learning. This was quite a major undertaking by our team, so when you next speak to David Cohn, Heidi Boutwell, Jerry Berns, and Jason Boehning, be sure to congratulate them for a job well done. They are our hardworking Content Managers who spent untold hours examining every one of their lessons and reworking them to make our content even better in 2016. I also must give the same congratulations to other authors, including David Butts, Steven Schain, Carlie Wagner, Scott Moyse, and Nicholas Bouray—just to name a few—who have also worked tirelessly to improve our content. CADLearning Copy Editor 6