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The Making of Best-In-Class Learning As video producers, we get to add that last little bit of magic to all of the fabulous videos that are brought to you by CADLearning. When a video is nearly complete, we take over, adding all of the callouts, textboxes, and arrows that help make the learning process more engaging. Since we are nearing the end of the Content Season for Autodesk 2016 products, now is the perfect time to look back and have some fun with all of the numbers from this ever-so productive year. So far in 2015, we have produced and reviewed 6,237 videos. Based upon the projects that are still coming in, we anticipate that we will have completed approximately 7,500 videos by the end of the year. Breaking that down a little more, this equates to a current total of 294 hours of video with a projection of 400 hours. Considering we give each video a look twice to ensure quality, the amount of video we have checked this year is roughly equivalent to watching Titanic 247 times or the entire fi rst three seasons of Orange is the New Black 23 times. In addition to the videos, we have currently verifi ed 3,280 exercise fi les, 1,305 assessments, and 6,350 assessment images, with even greater projected totals. In order to fuel all of this activity, we estimate that we have fi lled our refi llable K-Cup 2,340 times. It’s been a busy year and we can’t wait to do it all again in 2016. 7